Treck- Designing and Distributing Embedded Internet Protocols
Treck is a leading provider of embedded internet protocols, designing, distributing, and supporting real-time embedded internet protocols for worldwide technology leaders. The company was founded in 1997 by a co-founder and TCP/IP stack designer with over 20 years of experience. The team has been committed to delivering secure, high-performing products since its inception.
Performance and Secure
Treck’s low-level internet protocols are designed to use with their TCP/IP stack and provide the same high quality and performance that embedded systems designers expect from Treck. The company’s Mobile IP allows a mobile device to roam to different IP networks. It still identifies the original IP address. It works with or without a foreign agent present.
Security is a top priority for Treck, and the team has consistently worked to maintain their products’ quality and integrity for over 20 years. If you need more information and fixed releases for security issues, please get in touch with
Distributing Embedded Internet Protocols
Communication protocols are vital in embedded systems and the internet of things (IoT). Treck communication protocols are standard rules that allow diverse types of computers to communicate with each other. One such protocol is the TCP/IP protocol, which ensures that each computer connected to the internet has a specific serial number or IP address. Treck’s TCP/IP stack is a comprehensive protocol stack for computers that connect to an Ethernet network and support standard internet
protocols. The stack is designed to provide versatility, performance, and ease of use. Treck’s website offers a wealth of information for developers and embedded systems designers. The site organizes to the various levels of internet protocols: low-level, application-level, and web-level. Each group has its own set of protocols optimized for specific use cases.
Embedded Internet Protocols
Embedded internet protocols are the rules and standards that govern how embedded systems connect and communicate with other devices on the internet. These protocols allow embedded systems to transfer data packets between devices and networks, allowing seamless integration into the internet of things (IoT). The most common embedded internet protocols include TCP/IP, 6LoWPAN, Ethernet, UART, SPI, I2C, and USB. Get to know about Overcoming Common Challenges in CRM Adoption.
TCP/IP is the most used embedded internet protocol, providing reliable and efficient data transfer between devices. The protocol consists of two layers: the transport layer, which manages data transfer, and the internet layer, which handles addressing and routing. TCP/IP is used in various applications, including email, web browsing, and file transfer.

6LoWPAN is a protocol that adapts IPv6 packets to run on the small frame size of the IEEE Std 802.15.4 radio, enabling IP addressing to individual sensors and allowing their visibility on a global scale. Sensor networking protocols rely on the IEEE Std 802.15.4 radio, and 6LoWPAN provides an efficient and reliable way to connect these devices to the internet.
Ethernet is a popular networking protocol that connects local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). With the growth of IoT, Ethernet has become indispensable in embedded systems, with several revisions over the years to enhance its connectivity and speed.
UART, SPI, I2C, and USB are four communication protocols for any embedded engineer. The Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter is used for serial communication between devices. SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) are used for parallel transmission. USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a popular protocol for transferring data between devices.
Application-level internet protocols
It refers to a set of protocols that operate at the internet protocol suite’s highest layer, the application layer. These protocols facilitate communication between applications on different devices connected to the internet.
Examples of application-level internet protocols include:
1. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): This protocol transmits data over the World Wide Web. It is the foundation of data communication on the web, allowing web browsers and servers to exchange information.
2. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): SMTP sends and receives email messages. It uses a protocol for email communication.
3. FTP (File Transfer Protocol): This protocol transfers files between computers on a network. It is commonly used for uploading and downloading files to and from web servers.
4. DNS (Domain Name System): DNS translates domain names into IP addresses. It is an essential protocol for navigating the internet, allowing users to access websites using domain names rather than IP addresses.